
Friday, August 19, 2005

Ten Things I Hate

So after being tagged by Melo-Jo, I am now bound under a spell. Ahh bollocks, but here goes anyway:

Top Ten Things I Hate (in no particular order of intensity)
10) Slow and/or incompetent drivers
9) People who walk slowly, or make that people who don't walk as fast as I do
8) Crowded places
7) Cigarette smoke
6) Train crossings in Australia, oh and trams too
5) Wet, smelly toilets with no tissue paper
4) Rap, hip hop, and R&B (both the music and the idiotic artistes)
3) Trumpets, clarinets, saxophones, and all other wind instruments and Kenny G and violins, violas, etc
2) Environmentalists
1) Rude, uncivilised people
0) Sunday evenings because it means that tomorrow is Monday
-1) Monday
-2) Christmas, because it reminds me that the end of the year is coming
-3) The end of the year
-4) Chinese New Year, because it means I have to go back to Muar
-5) Staying in Muar
-6) Belacan, ikan bilis, kangkung
-7) Long fingernails and having to clip them every week
-8) The way someone smells after having a few beers
-9) The way someone smells after having a fag
-10) BM

Obviously for those who know me better, you would probably add one more item - which I can't post on my blog - to the already exhaustive list. But if you look at the list carefully, actually 10 + (-10) = 0.

I love this world.


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