
Thursday, August 18, 2005

Gostan, gostan... ooops sudah langgar..

So it was raining morons and idiots today - both metaphorically and literally. To this day, I still don't understand why Malaysians love to switch on their hazard lights when it rains. Clearly, they're only meant to be used when your car (or whatever you think you drive) is stationary. But buffoons all over our country decide to happily switch them on when it's pouring outside in dire hope of being noticed. Ironically, these are probably the same jerks who don't indicate before they make a turn.

I was driving on the far left lane on highway and was about to turn out into the Seafield toll when I saw this car on the shoulder of the road with the hazard lights on. Naturally, this would go through your mind: a) Car is on road shoulder b) Hazard lights are on and therefore => the car is probably stationary.

As I was driving next to the car, the driver suddenly decides to swerve out of the road shoulder and into my lane! I obviously horned like an ice cream man desperately trying to meet his quota and took a look at the idiot. Would have been interesting if I had crashed into it though because I would then verify whether or not it is indeed four times stronger than other cars its size. Stupid Proton Savvy.

Anyhow, I just continued driving. When I reached the carpark and found a spot, I decided to wait in the car to see if the rain would stop (Note to self: keep an umbrella in the car). As I was sitting there, still feeling irritated about what had happened earlier on, this very familiar car passes right in front of me. No prizes for guessing which car it was. The guy slowed down, and obviously recognised me, and started glaring at me. He would have stuck his middle finger out the window, but I suspect his power windows aren't working already.

It was very entertaining watching him try to park a car the size of a Vitagen bottle. He tried to reverse into the spot but no matter how many times he tried, it looked more like he had parked diagonally across the box. Which isn't actually a problem since the car takes up about as much space as leaf. After what felt like three months, he finally gets the car in straight. Into the tree behind, that is.

There is a rainbow after every storm after all.


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