I get all sorts of people reading this blog: some strangers who happen to pass by, and others are people I know and see frequently. But there's also another entity I forgot to mention, but no these aren't people. These are idiots who happen to stumble upon my blog, get offended by the content, and decide to lash out against me.
What a good example of uncivilised people. I don't know if you're the same 'anonymous' who was being a pain in the ass a few months ago, but if you are, then maybe you didn't read the chatterbox too well. It says "Anonymous posters, bugger off". Maybe when you strap on a pair of balls and leave your name when you post, you can come back here and make a sad entry about how you think the world has wronged you, or rather, how I have wronged you.
I don't deliberately offend people with my posts. I say what I feel and I have no intention to sugarcoat it as to protect people's feelings. As someone has said recently, if you try to dampen the landing, most of the time, the plane doesn't land eventually. (Un)fortunately, I use my blog to complain and rant about whatever bugs me.
Without trying to come across as being arrogant, this is my blog. And mine alone. Some people find it amusing, some find it funny, some find it a little bit mean but still within reasonable grounds, and others (unfortunately) find it outright offensive and wrong. I don't care what sort of a person you are if you decide to read my blog. But for shit's sake, don't think I ever owe you an apology if my posts offend you. If you have been offended once, then don't bother coming back because you will get offended again. It's as simple as that. If you want a blog which is nothing but happy happy joy joy, then go read someone else's blog. No, here, you get a taste of reality in its harsh, brutal glory.
Ok, so I was lying. I didn't try not to come across as being arrogant. But hell, it's my blog.
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